Working through Covid-19

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on all of us individually as well as on the whole country at a national level. We understand the negative effects that this can have on people’s mental health, exacerbating already existing anxieties and concerns and causing additional pain.

We have been working hard to maintain our services throughout the pandemic and to continue to provide support where it is needed. All our volunteers are doing a great job!

With that in mind, we are currently having face-to-face sessions for both individual clients and groups together with our routine telephone sessions. Please rest assured that we are observing all necessary measures as suggested by our government in order to manage the risks associated with the Covid-19 virus.

We ask that, if you are visiting us, you respect and adhere to the measures we have put in place for your own safety and that of our volunteers and other members of the working staff at Foundation House.

It is important to us that we can continue to be able to provide the much-needed services which we offer, please help us to achieve that, thank you.

Amanda Nicklin

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