About Us

Who We Are

Emerge is a voluntary organisation committed to supporting both men and women over the age of 16 who have experienced sexual abuse in childhood.  We realise that the victimisation of these adults can also affect other family members, carers and friends, and so we provide the same quality of service to these secondary survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

The need for a service such as this was recognised by Chris Holley, a Community Psychiatric Nurse who later became a Consultant Nurse specialising in Sexual Abuse. We are supported by Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust who provides accommodation and utilities.

Emerge was originally established by Chris Holley in 1993 as a charity with all support workers operating on a voluntary basis.

Emerge is an important charity which provides excellent support and care to clients on a daily basis, however, we do continue to need volunteers to help keep the charity running. We are looking for volunteers who are able to give up a few hours of their time each week to come to our offices and carry out a variety of duties as required.

Emerge are looking for volunteers who would be willing to:

  • Take part in our Drop-in sessions for survivors and their supporters

  • Help organise and run fundraising events

  • Carry out administrative work such as receiving/returning telephone calls

  • Handle any paperwork such as Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks or letters

  • Keep up-to-date with any legal requirements and provide any relevant information to volunteers and/or clients when necessary.

As a charity, we at Emerge believe that it is of the utmost importance that everyone has a right to be listened to and supported regardless of their age, gender, race, religion or, if applicable, disability. We believe that every individual who seeks our support should be able to disclose any information which they wish to in complete confidence, as appropriate.

The Need

Every five minutes in the UK someone is raped. One in four women and one in six men have experienced sexual violence. 15% of girls and 5% of boys have experienced sexual violence by the time they are sixteen.

Our Core Value

We believe that the rape and sexual abuse of anyone is wrong and we challenge society to end it.

Our Aims

To support the survivors of rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse through:

  • Providing information for specialist rape and sexual abuse support services

  • Education about all forms of sexual violence and their effect on survivors, their supporters and society at large

  • Acknowledging the existence of sexual violence and sexual abuse at a local, regional and national level

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